*please note that for January 26th we are meeting at St. John's Anglican Church, 170 Shuswap St S, Salmon Arm at 2:00pm.

Fellowship Meals

We’re well aware of the fact that all our schedules are chock full already, and we don’t want to run you ragged by being a church that emphasizes lots of extra-curricular mid-week events and programs.

Aside from corporate worship on the Lord’s Day (which is essential), as well as the regular fellowship times after our services on Sundays, we do a once (or twice) a month Fellowship Meal.

This is potluck style, so we ask that everyone bring a dish to share.

We feast, we sing, and we pray.

• Food has a way of galvanizing people (hence the feasting);

• Songs have a way of creating the kind of beautiful Christian culture we want to pass down to our children’s children’s children (hence the singing);

• Prayer is both a necessity and a privilege and we should not only be doing it individually but also collectively (hence the praying).

If you call this church “home,” we’d love it if you came out! Men, women, old, and young.

Yes, bring the kids.

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”

- Acts 2:42