*please note that for January 26th we are meeting at St. John's Anglican Church, 170 Shuswap St S, Salmon Arm at 2:00pm.


One of the best - yet simplest - means through which we can foster community as a church is through intentional hospitality. We would encourage every family in the church to try and have another family over for dinner at least every couple of weeks, sharing some food and some fellowship.

The most straightforward way of doing this is simply by getting out of your comfort zone on Sunday and inviting someone over from one of the seats next to you.

If you’re new to church, if that scares you to death, or if your housing situation is lacking in what you might deem sufficient space, send us your contact info with the form below and we’ll get you a chair at a dinner table in the body. Don’t be shy!

“Contribute to the needs of the saints

and seek to show hospitality.”

-Romans 12:13