Men's Forum
Men’s Forum is our official Legacy Bible Church men’s ministry, currently meeting every second Wednesday evening.
We exhort each other from the Word, sing psalms and other manly battle songs, discuss various books we are reading together, and spend time in prayer.
Men are encouraged to bring their sons (even the younger ones). We want fathers to be intentional about discipling their boys, and we want our boys to be surrounded by godly men who’ve taken them under their wing - discipling them, teaching them, and showing them by example what it means to be a man.
If the health and strength of the society depends on the church (and we believe it does), and if the health and strength of the church depends on the spiritual vitality of the men in the church (and we believe it does), then we want to do what we can to strengthen and equip our men.
Men’s Forum exists with that aim in mind.
“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.”
- 1 Corinthians 16:13
For more info on details regarding times and locations, you can talk to one of our elders or deacons, or email: general@legacybiblechurch.ca