Homemaker's Table
Homemaker’s Table is our official Legacy Bible Church women’s ministry, currently meeting once (or twice) a month.
In keeping with our old-fashioned notion that women should prioritize their role as “workers at home” (Titus 2:5), this ministry is aimed at recovering the lost arts of homemaking and the productive Christian household. From cooking and baking to brewing, decorating, canning, and soap-making, our ladies work together to feed their families, build-up and beautify their households (and our church), fostering relationships with each other along the way.
If God wants us to subdue the earth, (and we believe He does), obeying the Great Commission by conquering the world for Christ and spreading God-glorifying Christian culture wherever we go, and if He tells half the human race that they’re in charge of tending the home, (and we believe He does), then it follows from this that the home is actually one of the most strategic and important tools by which the world will be won.
Homemaker’s Table exists with that aim in mind.
“The wise woman builds her house” - Proverbs 14:1a
For more info on details regarding times and locations, you can talk to one of our elders or deacons, or email: general@legacybiblechurch.ca